Selected work from older employments
I estimate that I have designed between 150-300 websites between 2012 and 2018, besides other projects and tasks involving design, coding, print, video and other medias. Below you can find a selection. Some are discontinued today, some are still live.
Timelab - Former workplace
As the sole designer at the company (except the boss) I designed the entire website and then managed the site in Wordpress with the help of Visual Composer-plugin, thus building all the content on the sub-pages. I lead the QA process together with the developers and my boss to ensure that the website met our high standards we were wellknown for.
Methods: UX/UI/Graphic design, QA, Project management
Year: 2017-2018
Alexander The Mauler Gustafsson
At my previous employer I got the task to create a website for the international superstar and UFC fighter Alexander Gustafsson with completely free reins in terms of design. The result was a responsive one page solution where the visitor is met by a highly advanced gyro-parallax of Alexander that follows the movements of the pointer and gyro situation of the visitors device, allowing his gloves and different layers of light to follow around dynamically.
I also directed the implementation of animated statistics that in a simple but short and concise manner, presents the most essential fighting statistics. Additionally there is a biography, an embedded YouTube and Instagram feed, autobiography advertisement, partners/sponsors and a contact form.
In this project I was responsible for the UX, UI and graphic design, quality assurance and involved in the project management, as well as continuous coordination with the development team and the client in order to ensure a stable release before the project deadline.
Methods: UX/UI/Graphic design, QA, Project management
Year: 2016
The Hives Broadcasting Service
Another assignment at my previous employer was to create a website for the internationally acclaimed band The Hives, a website that easily presents features such as tickets, discography, music player, embedded twitter etc. Their previous site was very outdated considering design and was riddled with navigation issues. The site was also lacking responsiveness on mobile devices.
In collaboration with the band, I developed a new graphic look for the site that matches their visual identity, and lead the implementation of a photo-theme based function that allows the administrator to change the design by a simple click and create as many new themes as they want.
In this project I was responsible for the UX, UI and graphic design, quality assurance and involved in the project management, as well as continuous coordination with the development team and the client in order to ensure a stable release before the project deadline.
Methods: UX/UI/Graphic design, QA, Project management
Year: 2016
ATSC 3.0 Capacity Calculator
The ATSC 3.0 Capacity calculator app helps the broadcaster to select their desired modulation parameters by displaying the full channel capacity of any given configuration along with RF performance information. The calculator also helps guide broadcasters by indicating which configurations choices are permitted by the standard.
The project challenge was to convert the presentation of ‘boring numbers’ into a visually attractive and a user friendly experience to iOS and Android end users. Since the age span of the users vary a lot and the visual image still need to speak of professionalism it was a fun challenge be presented with.
Due to a big time zone difference and being both a 3rd party developer & designer we needed to conduct user testing internally and try to interpret what the end customer wanted, which ended up perfectly fine with a happy end customer.
In this project I was responsible for the UX, UI and graphic design, quality assurance as well as continuous coordination with the development team and the client in order to ensure a stable release before the project deadline.
Methods: UX/UI/Graphic design, QA
Year: 2017
Resource Management System
At my previous employer we were contacted by a construction company who needed assistance with improving their current resource management system, which consisted of two big whiteboards with lots information hand drawn by markers.
This lead to me doing the work of prototyping, design, interaction design and technical consultation for a complex resource management system that shows which customers the employees should go out to every day and what equipment they should bring with them, this system is synced to large screens inside the company premises (besides being accessible from their work computers) and has an easy to go CMS for administration.
Eventually we realized the potential of the system to the extent that we made this a service which my previous employer now offers as a resource management planner-service to companies with the possibility to customize it to their needs.
In this project I was responsible for the UX, UI and graphic design, quality assurance as well as continuous coordination with the development team.
Methods: UX/UI/Graphic design, QA
Year: 2018
Since this is a internal system I have no link to offer.
Allstar Bar - Slider animations & web
Continuous content creation for the restaurant franchise Allstar Bar, mostly this involved designing new web functions and create highly detailed, complex and multilayered parallax sliders for sports campaigns. This lead for me to become someonewhat an expert in how to tweak an old LayerSlider component to do stuff it wasnt meant for in the beginning. Their website still use my old work since no designer has been continued my work.
Methods: UX/UI/Graphic design, LayerSlider, QA
Year: 2014 - 2018
Other mentions
UI & UX Designer
Client: BytBil/Schibsted
Year: 2013 - 2015
Design and adaptation for implementation of responsive access packages and search filters for car dealers who had this service by BytBil and wanted it on their websites. Also sometimes involved the creation and design of completely new websites for some of Sweden's largest car dealers, as well as smaller campaign pages. Some examples are entire new websites for Nordiska Bil, Bilbolaget etc.
UI & UX Designer - Logotype and Cancelled application
Client: Taxijakt
Year: 2014
Design of the current Taxijakt logotype including the entire application (which unfortunately got cancelled), however it was beyond far more modern and innovative than it is today.